Réponses à des recherches de fonds/Scams?! (14/05/2004)
Quiconque peut facilement, en visitant ce site/blog se faire une idée de mes nombreux efforts déployés auprès des différentes instances, dans le but de me rallier le soutien institutionnel indispensable pour installer mon projet dans la formation entre la France et la Roumanie.
Mais voici que depuis quelque temps, je reçois des offres variant entre 500.000 dollars et 25 Millions de dollars -des propositions de collaboration, l'une plus surréaliste que l'autre. Je suis ausssi l'heureuse gagnante d'une loterie internationale, suite au tirage au sort de mon adresse e-mail, etc.
Ce n'est pas le scénario qui me dérange -après tout, en tant que littéraire je saurais l'apprécier.
Ce qui ne me paraît pas anodin du tout est le fait que ces offres atterrissent dans ma boîte non seulement pour répondre à une recherche de fonds pour le projet que je défends depuis si longtemps, mais aussi au bon moment d'une situation matérielle spéciale que je traverse.
Evidemment, ce sont des scams. Je l'ai signalé, et on me l'a confirmé. Il n'empêche que j'ai un doute important sur ces coïncidences. Ce qui est encore plus troublant, est que l'autre associé de ma PME qui porte le projet reçoit le même type de scams offrant des sommes mirobolantes.
J'ai choisi de répondre comme ceci.
Subject: RE: Re: Details
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 10:37:04 +0100
From: commissioner@met.police.uk Add to Address Book
To: serghie_carmen@yahoo.com
Dear Ms Lopez,
thank you for your email.
The email that has been sent to you is a scam and should be immediatly
consigned to the waste bin.For full advice re these sort of email
scams, please may I refer you to our website.
Email Office New Scotland Yard
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 07:23:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Carmen Lopez" <serghie_carmen@yahoo.com> Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Reminder
To: "deso57" <deso57@telstra.com>
I don't want to answer, but your text is a small piece
of literature, it sounds like a John Grisham's novel,
I mean like a financial thriller, so it deserves a
reply. Whoever you are, your style is not bad at all,
I say that as a professional I am.
But I hope you don't threaten or harass me in a subtle
I wonder from which source you have that supposed
information about me. Of course, I made a fundraising
research via Internet with a contact message
containing information, and I sent a lot of mails.
By the way, I am not so sure I will not betray you. I
was told this kind of message had belonged to scam's
category. Are you fascinated by my naïveté, so you
make such a fantaisiste proposal? Is this a mere
mockery or a trap? A political one? From which side?
Your "reminder" could make me feel strange, is it your
psychological aim?
Maybe my english is not so good as yours, but I hope
you understand what I try to sum up. God bless you
too, why not.
--- deso57 <deso57@telstra.com> wrote:
> Dear Mrs. Carmen Lopez,
> How are you? I want you to send me an e mail so that
> I
> know your stand as regards this great opportunity
> that
> we have at hand. I want you to note that it is only
> wise if we do not delay as the transfer is a deal,
> however, I very well assure you that we would
> succeed
> in seeing to it that the money is transferred out of
> my bank to your account, all I need is your
> assistance
> and cooperation, I want us to put heads together and
> make this opportunity that seems somewhat like a
> dream
> now a reality.
> Send me an e mail so that I go ahead to send you the
> details and some confidential information so that we
> can proceed. Thank you very much, I look forward to
> hearing from you. God bless you.
> Deso Simi
Carmen Serghie Lopez
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